First e-learning unit for seed inspector course well received

Mwabu has completed the first e-learning unit for the seed inspector course, developed with the Zambian Ministry of Agriculture Seed Control and Certification Institute (SCCI), as part of the curriculum digitisation project in partnership with Catholic Relief Services (CRS).

To develop the first unit, Mwabu used SCCI materials as a basis to write an Instructional Design Worksheet (IDW), which includes text, voicing and artwork needed. SCCI subject matter experts provided clarifications where needed to produce the final version. The e-learning was built including interactive elements, questions, voicing and custom artwork by our in-house artist. SCCI then had the opportunity to review the unit, which was very well received. They provided feedback which fed into finalising the design and will inform the design principles of the remaining units.

Over the next few weeks Mwabu will closely collaborate with SCCI subject matter experts to develop IDWs for the remainder of the digital course content.

We are excited to be working with SCCI and CRS to make this curriculum more accessible to seed inspectors in Zambia and beyond!


New project with Young Women’s Christian Association of Zambia


Introducing Mwabu Learn