Digital Sexual Reproductive Health Education
Mwabu’s product team has created a few sample modules and developed a draft course outline for a new interactive digital course to support dissemination of crucial information about sexual reproductive health (SRH) to adolescents across Zambia and beyond.
We have taken these steps as we are aware of the urgency and need for relevant, sensitive and appropriate education content relating to this topic. We also know that individual organisations working in this area seldom have the funds required for investment in a full digital course so, as part of this initiative, we are exploring alternative funding models to enable contributions to development from several sources.
Mwabu is leading the way by making our product team available at cost for this important content creation. Funding to cover development costs and partnerships with subject matter experts will allow Mwabu to make much-needed SRH content available across Zambia through various online and offline platforms. We believe e-learning content aimed at adolescents and young adults has the potential to be distributed cost-efficiently and engage the target audience effectively.
At this early stage of development, we are excited to explore with interested partners what such a product and its funding model could include. Our current thinking is structuring the content through topic-based modules to allow organisations to mix and match to fit their programmes, based on the Zambian Ministry of Education’s Comprehensive Sexual Education Framework.
Funding options are to be agreed with those partners who wish to participate from inception, as a group. Participating organisations will also have the option of guiding content through active engagement of their subject matter experts in the content creation process.
For more information, or to be involved in this project, please contact