Smart Care training
Collaboration partner: BroadReach, iHM Africa
Funding: Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Target audience: Zambian healthcare workers
Sector: Public health
Together with BroadReach (later IHM Africa), as part of the Integrated Decision and Analytics Support Project (IDeAS), Mwabu digitised SmartCare health records system training for healthcare professionals in Zambia. This system is used country-wide to keep digital patient records. The goal of the project was to simplify and reduce the cost of training healthcare workers on the use of the SmartCare software.
The project consisted of two phases. First, a custom Learning Management System (LMS) was set up, a copy of the design for Learn eHealth Zambia developed in partnership with Jhpiego for the Ministry of Health. Second, content was developed for seven Smart Care modules and the LMS was integrated with the SmartCare system to track its ongoing use and identify further training needs.
As a move away from the majority of Mwabu’s custom developed content, these modules were developed without voicing and used many stock images, as opposed to custom artwork. This allowed us to work to a tight timeframe with a limited budget to produce an engaging digital course.
Unfortunately, due to budget constraints and many competing priorities within IHM Africa and the Ministry of Education, this content is no longer publicly available.